Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 4: Cape Alava


Our hike this day began at Lake Ozette in the National Park and headed out to the coast. Much of the trail was board walk through a beautiful forest. The whole hike was about 9.3 miles long and we were pretty tired by the end. Magnus did a good portion of the distance himself. I think we had the only kids on this hike.


On the boardwalk:


Cape Alava is the western most point in the 48 states.


There were more crabs here than I have ever seen any where. And Ruth made a little dinosaur nest.


Our main goal was to reach the Wedding Rocks, a group of rocks with petroglyphs on the them. With the tide in, that meant crawling over lots of big trees. While we were heading down the beach we met a Dutch couple heading back. They said the hike was too difficult, but when I said we were doing it with the kids they changed their mind and turned back around.


The tide started to head out so we could search for the 200-300 year old petroglyphs.


A man with a gun hunting a deer and a possible marriage couple:


A man spearing a fish and a man eating a fish:


But the best one is of the orcas. They are a big reason we wanted to hike out here:


Continuing down the beach.


The hike is shaped like a triangle, it is about three miles on each leg. We were pretty tired by the end, but we felt very accomplished finishing it.


One great thing was it was supposed to rain, but the weather was quite pleasant. We camped at Lake Ozette that night and we did get some light rain in the night.

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