Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ape Cave Exploration

To get ready for camp, some of the young women went on a hike through Ape Cave. It is a hike we have done before, so Dana offered to act as the unofficial guide. Magnus helped by hanging out with Farmor while we hiked.


You have to bring your own flashlights, so it’s easy to miss the cool colors.


The girls were mostly good sports going through the tunnels. A few of them hiked very quickly and had to be held back sometimes.


Here is our intrepid Young Women president scaling the lava falls and looking like Spiderman. Everyone made it through the cave. Yay!


After the long hike, we went to a picnic area and ate lunch. Some of the girls also went on A Trail of Two Forests, a shorter hike where you crawl through a much smaller lava tube formed by lava hardening over a log and then the log decayed. I took a nap.



It was a good hike!

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