Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Riding on Skis


Last Wednesday, I went skiing with my dad and Terry. This was my Christmas gift from them, and it was wonderful. The weather and conditions were beautiful and made for possibly one of my best days of skiing ever.

This picture was taken as we were getting ready to leave the car, before we were tired. We went to Mt. Hood Meadows ski resort.


To give you an idea how it was, here is a comparison from summer to winter. On the right is Mt. Hood in August of 2009, and on the left is the day we went.


This was Terry’s second time skiing, so she decided to take a lesson (she did not the first time). They have this fun little tunnel thing with a moving walkway in it that takes you to the top of a very gentle slope to help beginners, so we gave it a go. I felt like we were in a carwash.


Part of the reason it was such a good day was the breathtaking views we had of the mountain. Here are just a few shots from various spots. Remember it is about 27 degrees out.


Here is Dad on the slopes:


The snow looks so soft:


Look at Dad go. Thank you for the wonderful trip.


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