Sunday, December 5, 2010

Turkey-Lurkey Thanksgiving and ZOO LIGHTS!

Yes, we do remember that we have a blog… sometimes.

We celebrated Thanksgiving, like I hope all of you did, with family and tasty food. We even got to cook some of it (I made cranberry sauce and Dana made some olives come out of a can).

We ate dinner with Dana’s Dad and his wife and her kids. It was very fun and the preparation was riddled with banter and “helpfulness.” Dana stayed out of the kitchen as much as possible, but here’s what it looked like.

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It was all very delicious. And of course there was pie for dessert… that didn’t last long enough for a photo shoot. Yum.


Because Dana is a zoo employee, we got to go to the special premier of Zoo Lights for awesome people. It was pretty cool. If you’re in the Portland area, you should go see the lights; it’s worth the cold walk to see all the neat lights.

Like these…

IMG_9045 IMG_9049

IMG_9062 IMG_9088


Stay tuned for more adventures…

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

What beautiful lights. I have not mastered the olives yet, so good work, Dana! Everything looks tasty!