But you should read it anyway!
Dana and I took a super-fun trip into Portland on Saturday to visit Powell's Books. While we were there, we perused the rare books room and saw a first printing of "The Hobbit."
"Pretty cool," you might think to yourself, "not worth its own blog post, though." And you'd be right.
After leaving the rare book room, we stumbled on a small table of autographed books for sale. The one that immediately drew our attention was called "Cake Wrecks." We spent the next twenty minutes laughing till our stomachs hurt and wiping our eyes. The book had pictures of truly awful cakes. "This seems like it should be a blog!" I thought to myself. So when Dana and I got home yesterday, we looked it up. Sure enough, Cake Wrecks started as a blog!
Go to it here. No, seriously. It's really funny. I recommend navigating by subject using the categories on the right side. Or, you could do what Dana did, and look at every page moving backwards. Either way, if you've had a rough day and you need something to make you smile (or laugh till you cry) this site ought to do the trick.
PS: Her Sunday posts are always nice/awesome cakes, so you can see some of those too.